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Iraq Transition

Attacks in Iraq on election day

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An Iraq voter in Baquba "defeating the terrorists" by voting. (January 30)

Iraqis braved long lines and threats to vote. CNN's Anderson Cooper reports (January 30)

Enthusiastic Iraqis cast their first votes in Baquba. (January 30)

After years of suffering, Kurds came out in droves. CNN's Nic Robertson reports (January 30)
• Gallery: Iraqis go to the polls

• Iraqis brave bombs to vote
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• Interactive: Who's who in Iraq
• Interactive: Sectarian divide
Acts of terror

Following is a list of attacks in Iraq during national elections on Sunday. Only attacks resulting in deaths or injuries are listed.

Suicide bombings

  • An attacker blew himself up about 100 meters from a polling station, killing one person and wounding 10 others, Iraqi police said. The bomber did not go through security; the explosion occurred before he was searched at the station in Iskan in western Baghdad.
  • An Iraqi police officer was killed about 8 a.m. when a suicide bomber attacked the Al-Zahawi school, which is functioning as a polling station, in the western Baghdad neighborhood of Mansour. Two Iraqi soldiers and three Iraqi civilians were wounded.
  • A suicide bomber detonated explosives while standing in line at the Maysaloun polling station, also in the Mansour neighborhood, Iraqi police said. Three people were killed and nine others were wounded.
  • Another suicide bomber targeted the western Baghdad home of Minister of Justice Malek Dohan Al-Hassan, detonating a bomb in front of the residence, Iraqi officials said. One person was killed in addition to the bomber. An unknown number of others were wounded in the attack.
  • One person was killed and an unknown number of others wounded in a suicide bombing in the southwestern Baghdad neighborhood of al-Amil, near the al-Shouhada polling center, an Iraqi police officer said.
  • In a suicide attack at the al-Jawahiri polling station in western Baghdad, one person was killed and as many as 16 others were wounded, Iraqi emergency police said.
  • One person was killed and five wounded in a suicide attack in the Zayoun neighborhood in eastern Baghdad at the Badar polling station, Iraqi officials said.
  • Two Iraqi policemen died and two others were wounded in a suicide attack targeting the Al-Assil polling station in the southern Baghdad neighborhood of New Baghdad.
  • Other attacks Sunday

  • In Baghdad, insurgents rounded up four voters who had left a polling station. Insurgents identified them by their ink-stained fingers, and killed them by throwing grenades at them, Iraqi police said. The attack occurred in the Sheikh Mar'rof area near Haifa Street -- an insurgent stronghold. The U.S. military was investigating.
  • A explosion killed three and wounded fourteen others on a bus near Hilla south of Baghdad.
  • A guard was killed and another wounded when a roadside bomb went off beside a convoy carrying Nineveh Deputy Gov. Khalo Goran.
  • Four voters were wounded in Khalis, about six miles (10 kilometers) west of Baquba, when a mortar round landed on a polling center, Iraqi police said.
  • Four Iraqi civilians were killed and eight wounded when three mortar rounds landed on a house just behind the Al Fidaa polling station in Sadr City in eastern Baghdad.
  • In Balad, 43 miles (70 kilometers) north of Baghdad, a mortar round landed at al-Rasafi polling center, killing an Iraqi civilian and wounding another about 9:10 a.m., an Iraqi official said. A second mortar wounded a woman near the town.
  • Three civilians were wounded when a bomb exploded in Kamalya in eastern Baghdad.
  • In the Al Shourha Al Rabia neighborhood of western Baghdad, a mortar round landed close to a polling station. Officials said there were deaths and injuries but did not have further details.

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