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[Andrew Brunn]
Name:Andrew Brunn
Residence:United States
Occupation: firefighter, New York Fire Department
Location: World Trade Center
Related: Legacy.com tribute
Updated: October 8, 2002
Tributes and Information

I would like to take a few minutes to tell you about a great man whom I never met. He was a good looking, caring and compassionate person tragically killed the line of duty. Andrew Brunn is the son of my mother's friend, Marie Losito. This young man started off as a police officer and then became a New York City fireman. The crew at the firehouse described him as a real-life angel, always willing to lend a hand. On September 11, Andrew walked through the dangerous and horrific war zone of the World Trade Center and saw a woman in a wheel chair. He tried to save both of their lives as the building was collapsing. But he was never to be seen alive again. This young man is truly a hero, and I wish I had the pleasure of meeting such a great individual.

Tiffany, family friend

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