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Twitter activity: Why people are voting?

This is not a poll or a direct question to people on Twitter, but instead a map reflecting the climate or specific conversation in the Twitterverse on why people are voting. The data reflects activity the day before as well as on Election Day. The analysis of relevant tweets reveals four common categories or threads of conversation: why people are voting for or against a person or policy, a general distaste for Washington politics and elections, and a desire to get out the vote or indicate he or she has voted. You can roll over each state for a breakdown of the categories, to the extent location information is available. And while we may know some location information for individual tweets, we do not know the political preferences of the people tweeting. Note: States in gray have too few geo-located tweets to analyze.

Content from Twitter

This map reflects the climate in the Twitterverse as it relates to why people are voting between June 7 and September 15, a period covering the majority of U.S. primaries.

Content from Twitter

The results are based on CNN and Crimson Hexagon's analysis of Twitter comments on the midterm elections. The analysis not only examines keywords, hashtags and Twitter handles but also statistical patterns of words to help identify key themes and threads of conversation.