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Iraq: Who's left to catch?

From Barbara Starr, CNN Pentagon Correspondent

Trump card: The former Iraqi leader remains the elusive top prize.
Trump card: The former Iraqi leader remains the elusive top prize.

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WASHINGTON (CNN) -- U.S.-led forces are chipping away at their list of the 55 most wanted Iraqis, with the majority of that group now in custody or confirmed dead.

But U.S. commanders say they have no intention of resting until the mission is completed with former leader Saddam Hussein -- the ace of spades in the notorious deck of cards -- remaining the elusive top prize.

With Saddam's sons Qusay, the ace of clubs, and Uday, the ace of hearts, now dead the commander of coalition ground forces, Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, said the round-up would continue until the whole deck is accounted for.

"We remain focused on finding, fixing, killing or capturing all members of the high value target list," he said

Key to tracking down Qusay and Uday was the capture of the ace of diamonds, number four on the list, Abid Hamid Mahmud Al Tikriti, Saddam's closest aide.

Sources tell CNN he in fact visually identified the bodies of Saddam's sons.

Key figures at large

But 16 of the top 55 remain at large, representing many key elements of Saddam's military, security and intelligence apparatus.

Among them the vice chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council; the director of the Special Security Organization, a nephew of Saddam; and the commander of the Special Republican Guard.

Also on the run, the Chief of the Republican Guard, the director of General Security, and the director of the Iraqi Intelligence Services.

And still unclear, the fate of number five -- the king of spades -- Ali Hassan Al Majid, known as "Chemical Ali."

He was believed to have been killed in a previous raid, but doubts were raised that he had died.

While many Iraqis celebrated the death of Saddam's two sons, the U.S. military still wants to capture or kill those who remain at large and put the entire deck of cards out of business.

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