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Your e-mails: Bin Laden's relevance
Osama bin Laden remains on the loose nearly five years after the attacks of September 11, 2001.


• Slide show: Know your enemy
• Slide show: Bin Laden up close


Osama Bin Laden
Acts of terror
Al Qaeda

(CNN) -- As part of an upcoming "CNN Presents" special investigation on Osama bin Laden, asked readers to share their thoughts on the al Qaeda leader's relevance in the current global environment.

Here is a selection of the responses, some of which have been edited. For more on the documentary, click here.

That cold-blooded, barbaric killer will always be relevant and a threat to peace as long as he's breathing. I don't care what all the liberals and politicians say. Bin Laden has contempt for all of humanity. We should never give up looking for him and, hopefully soon, he will be brought to justice and terminated from the face of the Earth.
Jason Heise, Greenfield, Wisconsin

Osama bin Laden is no longer relevant. Al Qaeda or its sub cells are not dependent on bin Laden's direct or indirect orders, consultation or planning to carry out terrorist activities. Osama was the initiator, amalgamator of the so-called jihadists. He made a launch pad to fight against America and Israel. He has done his job. Even if he dies today, the terror cells will live on and carry out terror acts when they want. ...

America must understand how the terrorist network works. The terrorist network is not like a conventional army that takes orders from the general. Osama is not a general or a president whose death will bring the struggle to its knees. Terrorist cells active in Pakistan, Iraq, Lebanon, India, Indonesia, Somalia or Kenya do not take direct orders from Osama bin Laden. They act on their own. The inspiration is no longer Osama or al Qaeda. The inspiration is jihad. The inspiration is not a man but a concept. Capturing or murdering Osama will not kill the concept. Jihad is an eternal struggle against the enemy of Muslims. Osama simply reminded the Muslim world what jihad is.
Partha Banerjee, Kolkata, India

Hell yes, he is still relevant. Who in their right mind would think otherwise?
Thomas Williams, Duarte, California

We have lost focus of the whole purpose of the terrorist war brought on by 9/11. Our present administration has gotten us into a war we cannot win. The more we pursue and persecute individuals with prejudice based on needless acts in the name of democracy, the more we offend.

To go after the person or persons responsible for the acts is called justice, but to wage war for democracy like our present administration is doing is called a religious crusade, nothing short of what the Muslims are doing to us.
James Flanary, Symsonia, Kentucky

I think the whole war lost its focus, from 9/11 to Saddam [Hussein] to Osama bin Laden.

Is he still relevant? Yes, if he still controls all the terrorist attacks. Has America lost focus? I believe so. I thought the claim was to get rid of Osama and his group, ... but the focus shifted from Osama to Saddam in a flash and lives were lost.
Nikki Dili, London, England

I'm surprised with America. How come they never captured Osama? With their predicate as a superpower country, don't judge Osama as a terrorist while you yourself act like one.
Sulis Tyowatiningsih, Jakarta, Indonesia

Osama bin Laden is one of the most dangerous terrorists and is still a great threat to America, and he should be stopped. Problems just don't go away, they hide.
Michael Cuellar, Lakewood, Colorado

He will always be relevant, dead or alive. No matter what we think, when he is gone, it will only inspire more to follow his lead. Until we get rid of the hate taught on all sides, there will always be people like Osama.
Todd O'Mealy, Tacoma, Washington

Absolutely, Osama bin Ladin is still relevant. He's already proven the devastating depths of his hate for this country. I'm sure he will continue on his hateful destructive path to the best of his ability until he's dead. He has already proven to be a threat we cannot underestimate.
Kathleen Hux, Kannapolis, North Carolina

I believe that if the United States really wanted to capture bin Laden we could. We have the best technology in the world, but we seem to be hesitant to find and bring this world's biggest terrorist down.
Michael Micholas, Oak Ridge, New Jersey

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